National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
Principal Investigators: Dan McNeil, Ph.D., & Cheryl McNeil, Ph.D.
Dr. Quetsch and colleagues were awarded a 7-year, $2.9 million grant by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (2022-2029). Study personnel will train both generalist and pediatric dental providers across Arkansas, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida in evidence-based child behavioral management skills during dental visits to enhance child compliance and reduce dental anxiety. Dental providers will be assessed during training days and within their clinics to determine skill gains and child outcomes.
Eagles Autism Foundation Community Grant
Co-Principal Investigators: Lauren Quetsch, Ph.D., Ashley Scudder, Ph.D., & Felipa Chavez, Ph.D.
Eagles Autism Foundation is pleased to provide a $25,000 contribution to Community Behavioral Health in support of the proposal for Creating Community: Building Black and Latinx Capacity for Parent-Child Interaction Training for Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This project will leverage existing partnerships between the Philadelphia Evidence-based Practice and Innovation Center and DBHIDS, Philadelphia behavioral health organizations and PCIT Trainers (Scudder, Chavez and Quetsch) to provide training to 12 Black and Latinx therapists in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder. Quetsch and her collaborators will create a network of providers in Philadelphia to connect Black and Latino/a professionals (e.g., primary care physicians, occupational therapists) to one another and help reduce any stigma or bias that Black and Latino/a families of children on the autism spectrum may face when seeking a diagnosis or services.
Learn more about it HERE.
Organization for Autism Research Graduate Research Grant
Co-Principal Investigators: Rebecca Bradley & Lauren Quetsch, Ph.D.
The Organization for Autism Research is pleased to award a $2,000 contribution in support of the project: Emergency Service use in Youth and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Predictors and Family Perspectives. This project aims to characterize families of children with ASD who utilize emergency services, assess group differences among families who do and do not endorse service utilization, and explore family experiences and satisfaction with emergency service encounters.
Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge (SPARK): Research Match Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity
Co-Principal Investigators: Harlee Onovbiona & Lauren Quetsch, Ph.D.
SPARK is pleased to award a $9,000 contribution in support of the project: Equity and Access to Care: Barriers to Diagnostic and Treatment Services for Black Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The goal of this project is to better understand the relationship between practical and racial barriers to treatment participation, parental stress, and treatment outcomes experienced by Black families of children with ASD. In addition, this study hopes to gain additional insight into the experiences of Black families of children with ASD while obtaining a diagnosis, accessing services, and engaging in treatment in order to create improved culturally informed service delivery for Black families of children with ASD.
Learn more about it HERE.
Helping Kids with Autism Develop Prosocial Behaviors using Animal-Assisted Therapy
Co-Principal Investigators: Michele Kilmer, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC & Lauren Quetsch, Ph.D.
Michele Kilmer, assistant professor of nursing in the University of Arkansas College of Education and Health Professions dropped by today with a small pup with a BIG future. Meet Gryffin, who is being trained to help kids with autism develop prosocial behavior in a clinical setting (and that’s important because service dogs cost $50k — a lot for most families!) Dr. Kilmer is partnering with psych professor Lauren Quetsch in Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences and several honors students on this research, which is being supported by an Honors College Research Team grant. We look forward to future visits!
Click the link to meet Gryffin:
Onovbiona, H.U, Quetsch, L.B, Del-Rosario, E. (2024). Exploring factors of diagnostic timing among Black autistic youth. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Quetsch, L. B.(2023). Call to action: Shift funding priorities toward serving the needs of autistic people. The Behavior Therapist.
Onovbiona, H.U, Quetsch, L.B, Bradley, R. (2023). Racial and practical barriers to diagnostic and treatment services for Black families of autistic youth: A mixed-method exploration. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Onovbiona, H., Mapes, A., Quetsch, L. B.,Theodorou, L. L., & McNeil, C. B. (2023). Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for children in foster care and children with posttraumatic stress: Exploring behavioral outcomes and graduation rates in a large statewide sample. Children and Youth Services Review, 106797.
Bradley, R., Staples, G., Quetsch, L. B., Brown, C., Aloia, L., & Kanne, S. (2023). Associations between parental stress and quality time spent with youth on the autism spectrum. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, available online.
Quetsch, L. B., Bradley, R., Theodorou, L. L., Newton, K. A., & McNeil, C. B. (2022). Community-based agency delivery of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: Comparing outcomes for children with and without autism spectrum disorder and/or developmental delays. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, available online.